Wednesday, September 27, 2017


The Hope

I was sitting at the local skate spot when a refugee from Sudan sat down next to me. I greeted him and started talking to him. I asked where he was from and how long he had been in Germany. As we talked he shared his story. When he was 14, he was kidnapped along with his school. He and a couple of the guys escaped and fled home, once he was home his parents gave him the money they had and he fled to Ethiopia, he spend a little time there and with a group of other people crossed across north Africa, through the desert before finally making it to Germany. 
We talked about religion, he had been raised a devout Muslim but now had left allot of the ways and was open to other things. He saw it as so much work and said that he would rather live his life. I talked to him a bit more and told him about what I believed and that I believed in Jesus, not Jesus as another good man but Jesus as the savior of the world. 
He was open, there wasn't fear in him listening to the Gospel. Hopefully in the next couple weeks I will see him and be able to talk more about it. 
The freedom of religion and speech in Germany is truly a blessing because it allows any fear people have from Muslim countries to hear the Gospel. 


Local relationships have been growing stronger and I was able to talk about Jesus with 2 skaters this month. Its been really cool being able to be at this point and being. God has been building stronger community as well as stronger community and more connections with the christian skate community around Germany.  


For the last 10 days of the August I was on another mountain trip around the Alps. It was a great time being away from the city and surrounded in nature and mountains. Heres some 35m photos I shot you can enjoy. 


A friend who is involved in action sports ministry invited me to a national german conference for sports ministry. I was a bit nervous considering it was all in German and my german was slipping a little. I met some guys in Munich and road tripped up. The first day/evening was a little tricky with everything in German but by the end of the day I wasn't having many problems communication and by the second day it was normal. I ended up speaking maybe 85% in German which was the first time for me, so its rad growing in that.
It ended up being a great conference being able to connect with so many other people involved in sports ministry as well as the group of people involved in action sports ministry. It was defiantly another one of those moments where it was so encouraging being around other people who carry the same heart. God is doing allot of stuff across Germany and its rad to see the fruit. 


In December I'm heading to an undisclosed location to work on a skate project with some others for a month and a half. But if you could keep it in your prayers that would be great or if you would like to know more please message me. 

I will also be State side the middle end of November for family time. 

Prayer Request 

Financial support 
Local skaters

Planning out Winter outreach for open doors 

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